We are leaving in two-ish weeks. You can always find us here at CrazyUS. We’ll keep you posted on our crazy adventure. Post, email, or just browse by to see what we are up to. We would love to hear from you.
Things have been crazy of course. We just had a yard sale this weekend and are winding things down here in DC. I still can’t wrap my head around all the packing. Thankfully Dave is anal about keeping us organized and together. He has color coded stickers for all of our boxes. What would I do without him.
Oh, yes, and here are some pictures of the two little boys that make it all worth it. [pictures to come].
Beth hope you and the family have a great trip. Sue and I were in San Fran this summer and had a great time. Just to let you know that we are expecting a little boy Nov. 5th. His name is Scott which is my grandparents last name. My grandfather (85) is thrilled. Stay in touch and say hi to the family. Lance
hey there! congrats on your trip! sounds absolutely wonderful. much luck and stay in touch. i am still climbing out here in nj. spending most weeekends in the gunks, ny. drop a line if you end up in the area. i’d love to see you all!
Great website! We will visit it often to see the adventurers. Keep us posted with the plans and maybe we can rendez-vous somewhere.
Well… we’re anxiously awaiting an update! Hope you guys made it out to Utah safely! So, what’s next on the docket?