Our son told us he couldn’t go with us to Portugal. He had just been offered a new job, and they needed him to start immediately. Of course it is ok that I am sad he cannot go on this trip.
“I knew you would say No.” I blurted.
With all of her dizzying and big feelings, Little-Girl-Me (age 4) steam-rolled over Slow-to-Process, Adult-me. Instead of congratulating my son, I made it about me.
Instead of telling his new boss, “yes,” our lovely son waited to come home and talk to me first. “Mom, this means I cannot go to Portugal.” I felt like an ass.
My son is sweet. He has a great reason not to go. He was hired for a really cool new job. Adult-Me, my true self, understands, is excited for him and supports his responsible decision. I wish Little-Girl-Me was more healed and would not just blurt stuff out. I own my shit and continue to work. I want to be better. I don’t want my kids to have to live with the resonance of my deep pain.
Immediately, I apologized. “Hey, I am sorry I said that. It really is ok. I am happy for you.”
I left the room and was flooding-after-a-huricane, flooded. I cried, I mean, I wept tears buried deep inside and forgotten by Little-Girl-me. I did not cry because my son is not going to come on a trip with us. I cried because I recognize there were times when the unhealed trauma from my past is so big that it bled all over my children. They could not escape those large moments of my overwhelm. That must have been really hard for them. I am so sorry. I am trying to heal. I am trying to make amends.
As I sat there, I thought of my children. I felt pride. How was I gifted the best kids ever? They are nuanced and beautiful. I looked at my phone and noticed a missed call earlier from my son. I realized it was when I was in the shower. When he couldn’t reach me, he came home to talk to Dave and me. He put us first and shared his news before telling his new boss. He wanted to make sure I was ok. I took a breath and assured him I was ok. The brutality of my past is not my children’s to carry. I am healing that pain and letting it go.
I saw my mom. I heard her pleading words the time I told her we were moving to Virginia,
“BETH, I will kill myself if you leave Utah. You cannot move. Please don’t move. Please don’t leave me.”
My mind blurred. I felt the paralyzing weight of my mom’s stranglehold. I have always been determined not to do this to my kids, even unintentionally, which I had sort of done by telling my son I knew he would say no. Oof! Adult-me encourages them and truly wants them to follow their dreams.
At that moment I heard this voice distinctly say,
“You are their mom. Your burdens should not be theirs. Pull it together and make sure he knows you support him and that everything is ok and then shut up and listen to him.”
That internal voice is right.
My son and I spoke a few minutes later. I reminded him of the trip we took to Southern Utah.
“Remember how you stayed with me when Dad went rogue and hiked down that crazy canyon? You were careful. You were kind and so much fun. We are good.”
Tearfully, I paused and made sure to make eye contact. [insert me gesturing at myself here] “I am just sorry that my big feelings sometimes take over and make you feel bad. I am working on my shit. You are good and I am really happy about your job.”
“But I don’t like your tears.” He said.
“Hey. Hey. I am ok. I love how you communicate and articulate your point of view. I learn from you. My tears are tears and are not your responsibility. I have big feelings. I am healing my stuff and I am sorry when my stuff explodes onto you. I am really happy about your job. Seriously.”
Minutes later he was back upstairs sharing about his new job, his schedule and we were joking about all the discounts he could get us. I apologized for allowing my Little-Girl-Me feelings to overshadow such a cool moment.
“I am really excited about your job. Of course they hired you. You are amazing!” He shared that he is a little nervous. I encouraged, “You are responsible. You are never late to class. You show up.”
“You are right. I am always on time for class.”
We laughed and I assured him he is a great fit.
This is not the first and hopefully will soon be the last time my kids and I have exchanges like these. My sons are kind and forgiving. I am learning and I am healing. I am grateful for the grace they show me.
It is time for this cycle to end and for me to let my burdens go. That is why I need to let sweet and earnest Little-Girl Bethy, who was like a bouncy ball fighting her way out of a dark room, know that she is strong, smart, wonderful and beautiful, that her weight is perfect at any weight, that she is not disappointing Heavenly Father when she says, “Goddammit;” that I am so sorry that Little-girl Bethy was often asked to step aside, was frequently left alone to figure things out completely unsupported or sidetracked to take care of her own mom. Nevertheless, Little-Girl Bethy was strong, determined and tenacious. She survived, is fucking amazing and has always been open to figuring things out. And now Little-Girl Bethy FINALLY realizes that her mom’s pain is no longer hers to carry or to pass on. High-fucking-fives to that!
Parenting is difficult. Owning your shit is brutal. Healing past trauma is otherworldly. I feel weighted by grief. Breaking dysfunctional cycles and patterns is the hardest work I have ever done. I hope my children forgive me. I am grateful for the grace they show me.
Pick the title for my upcoming memoir. Do you like Paper Doll Pioneer? If not, suggest another one.
My story begins. The reader is air dropped onto Salt Lake City’s temple square. It is my first day as a sister missionary there. I want to be anywhere, but on my Mormon mission”
“Years ago, pen to my raven-colored Mormon Missionary Journal, I wrote the following:
I cannot stop thinking of ways I can hurt myself. When I see a moving car, I calculate how fast I can get in front of it.
When I wrote, “in front of it,” I literally meant that I wanted to get myself squarely in the path of any moving vehicle. I always saw myself jumping through, in front of and off of things.
“How quickly will this kill me? What will it sound like? Will my death be quick?” I wondered.
As I imagined my dead self, I could clearly see the aftermath: people wiping, scraping, even tweezing my indistinguishable, flattened, mangley bits off of whatever grate, pothole, or windshield wiper blade I had landed on. As fiercely as I wanted to jump, (and was not afraid to jump), thoughts of eternal damnation and making my mom cry, consumed my cautious, cluttered and complicated mind.
I could hear the church congregation whisper, “Poor girl. Her body was everywhere. Now she will be condemned to a life of eternal darkness.” [insert church members shaking their heads in disappointment here] “This would not have happened if she had enough faith.”
Seconds later, I made myself stop thinking evil thoughts. As a means to make penance for allowing myself to have self-destructive thoughts, I took a rapid cleansing breath. I gripped my own wrist tightly, protecting me from my hand’s next intended act, which was to claw my face. I did not claw my face. I felt the warm sunshine. It was nice.
I made my way to Temple Square, in the epicenter of Salt Lake City, Utah, where I was now officially a Temple Square missionary.”
The memoir asks many questions. The prominent questions is, “How did I get here?” As I answers these questions I address themes of generational trauma and abuse perpetuated by a pure belief in patriarchy which is then reenforced via my family’s conversion to Mormonism. I explore the importance of being a cycle breakers and separately from patterns of abuse ultimately learning to use my voice, pushback and say no.
If you are interested in updates, new chapters or would like to know when my memoir is released, please join the CrazyUs Memoir Mailing List:
The alarm is angry drunk loud. It is called an Enuresis Alarm. Beginning in the 1930s, the alarm functioned as a bedwetting treatment, used to wake (thrust) a child out of a deep sleep, alerting them that they wet the bed! It worked by attaching a sensor to the bed, a pad, or your underwear. Once wet, the sensor alerts. I recall that the version I used looks like a vintage baby monitor. The alarm was attached to a pad-and-bell alarm, which meant that the sensor pad was positioned in the bed between the waterproof mattress pad and the fitted sheet beneath me.
I worked my way up to this deafening, discordant, psychological warfare. For months, maybe my entire short life, I wet the bed. There were no Pull Ups or 5 year old child size diapers back then. I would have probably peed through them anyway. Honestly, I wet the bed so much that I dreaded going to bed.
At least one hour before bed, I resolved not to drink any liquids. Then I would find myself standing next to the kitchen sink, gulping down a refreshing glass of water. I can hear my parents’ voices,
“Beth, please, please stop. Do not drink any more. You will wet the bed.”
Once my bed wetting became a thing, I was advised,
“Beth, if you wet the bed, quietly change your pajamas. See if you can sleep on your (wet) sheets. If they are really soaked, you can get us. Remember, you don’t want to wake your sister.” (She and I shared a room.)
I was four or five years old. I was a barometer of the world around me. I dreaded that my older sister would be witness to my middle-of-the-night disruptions. I mean, she endured my fear of the dark. Because of me, we kept the door propped open and the hall light on. She was also aware of my vivid nightmares wherein alligators would eat my family, which always seemed strange because we lived in Minnesota. How much more could I ask of her? (A lot).
On those frequent bed-wetting nights, I recall that she heard the alarm before I did. I can picture her disorientingly calling my name,
“Beth, Beth, wake up. Beth! Please! Beth! WAKE UP!”
They must have heard her or the alarm because seconds later my parents’ footsteps weakly clumped down the hallway. “Not again!” sighs my step dad, (who I call dad), as he flips on my bedroom light.
“Bethy, Bethy, you need to wake up,” My mom urges.
The alarm’s bleating is all encompassing. Utterly discombobulated, I try to move. My body feels like it’s stuck in quicksand.
“Turn that thing off!” Dad yells, referring to the alarm.
I watch the cord fly as it is yanked out of the wall. I am pulled out of my bed. I sit on the pile of wet sheets, out of the way.
“Bethy, you are all wet. Stand up,” Mom says.
“None of the other kids wet the bed,” one of them murmurs.
“Can you find any clean sheets? She does this every night. We need to keep a pile of clean sheets. It’s expensive to wash all of these sheets constantly. We need to think of something else,” Dad insists.
At that, like the chaos during a hospital’s Code Blue, Mom runs into the hallway. I hear the accordion doors open and then the sound of her hands as they furiously dig through our linen closet. She returns with a mismatched set of twin sheets. My dad grabs and hurriedly examines them.
“Where is the mattress pad? Why didn’t you get the mattress pad? Do we have a clean one?”
Mom runs back into the hall and returns seconds later with a pile of sheets. Handing them to him she urges,
“Use these as a mattress pad.”
Hastily he begins remaking my bed.
“I hope she doesn’t wet the bed again. I don’t want her to pee on the mattress.” I hear him mumble.
Dad pauses. Mom walks over and finishes making the bed.
“Beth, someday you are going to have to do this yourself,” Dad says.
Mom interrupts, “Bethy, come here. We need to get you out of these wet clothes.”
Like a searing smack to an elbow, I am alert. Immediately I feel exposed.
“I do not want to take my clothes off.” I think.
I want to be dry. So I awkwardly take off my soaking pajamas and soggy underwear. I put on my dry pajamas. As I change, I look over and notice my sister. She is sitting up, wiping her eyes. She looks tired. I stare. She looks really sweet in her nightgown and tussled hair. Now I am horrified. I hear the voice in my head,
“Beth, you did this to her.” I start to cry.
“Mom, when will my bed be ready?” I ask.
I scan our twin beds with complementary yellow and green handmade comforters. I am really tired and wish I could climb into my sister’s dry bed. The yellow walls seem brighter. I cannot escape. Everyone is there because of me.
“Bed’s ready,” Dad effusively says.
I climb in. My sister is already back to sleep. My parents leave the room, turn off the light.
“Please leave the door open,” I plead. (They do.)
A few weeks later, I found myself in the hospital. I was told I was there to have a special surgery to fix my bed wetting. Something about scar tissue. I remember people coming to visit me, and someone bought me a stuffed animal. I do recall getting an enema and the nurse explaining that they would insert a tube.
“This way we can make sure everything is out of you.”
I was awestruck as I watched the container fill with the contents of my insides. I know I was put under general anesthesia. I remember fighting the anesthesiologist as they put a big, black mask over my face.
The surgery did not fix my bed wetting. Nevertheless, by the next year, when I was six, I stopped wetting the bed (like most kids do at that age).
Fast forward to now:
Recently, my husband looked at me, alarmed.
“You are holding your breath. Do you know you are holding your breath?”
I have been coughing since June. I have been coughing so hard that I would vomit. When I cough, I feel peoples’ stares. Several people have insisted that it was my cough that made them sick. I often lead a conversation with,
“You might hear me cough. I assure you I am not sick. If you would feel more comfortable, I am happy to leave.”
My big secret: I also cough so hard that I leak. And what I mean by leak is I pee a little. I didn’t want to. I do. Then I began wearing pads. I also began holding my breath. Holding my breath seemed to make it all stop, at least the coughing, (and the peeing).
Years ago, and after my c-sections, I tried pelvic floor physical therapy. Consequently, every time I coughed, I brought back to mind the exercises: kegel, breathe, kegel, focus. Now every time I cough, I determined to kegel my way out of every leaky, pee-filled moment. From June – December, I have existed in a slight panic, always knowing an extra bad coughing spell would equate to a pad full of urine. Resolved, I continued holding my breath and power kegeling every all-consuming coughing spell I had and might have.
I heard it again.
“Beth, you are holding your breath.”
It was my doctor. She was trying to listen to my lungs.
“Oh, I do that. My husband says that I hold my breath.” I left out about the pee. She already knew about the cough. “I often coughed myself to sleep. I am so tired of coughing that I hold my breath.” I opined. “You need to stop holding your breath. You need to breathe,” my doctor advised. I tried to breathe. “In through your nose. Out through your mouth. Your chest shouldn’t move.” My chest moved.
By October I was determined to breathe. That is when I found myself enrolled in eight physical therapy sessions. “I hold my breath. I have this cough. I think my pelvic floor could use a tune up.” I told my male PT. “I don’t do that.” He said. “I assumed so. I wanted to give you the big picture.” I answered. Without missing a beat, he asked if I had been to therapy.
“Coughing can give people real PTSD.”
I felt he was onto something. I also felt my tears. I tried to say something else.
“I’m sure some core work would help. Core work always helps.” He said.
In the next breath, he had me doing planks. My diaphragm hurt. I started to cough. My body was not ready. I began canceling our appointments. Soon, I cancelled all of them.
Last week I made my way to a legitimate pelvic floor physical therapist. She is going to help me get my pelvic floor muscles back to their original strength and function. Yes. This also means better bladder control. We talked about how I hold my breath. I expected her to have me do some core work, planks or kegels. Instead, we talked.
“People in your situation think they need to hold tight and strengthen their muscles. These muscles are stuck in a fight or flight mode. What is going to help you not leak is to relax, breathe and heal.”
That is what I needed to hear. Over and over again I need to hear these words: “relax, breathe and heal.” As I relax and embrace my scars and my secrets, I wish I had a time machine. I wish I could go back and tell little, freckle-faced me,
“Bethy, it is going to be ok. Relax, breathe. Your bed wetting days will pass. You will heal.”
Honestly, I wish literally anyone would have said,
“Hey Bethy, it is ok to wet the bed. Wetting the bed is normal and what some kids do.”
I cannot time machine myself back. What I can do is move forward. I can learn to relax my pelvic floor. And when I think the next cough or hard swallow will kill me, I can take a cleansing breath. I will be ok. In fact, the other day I coughed. I choked. Then I remembered,
Here I sit in this East London hotel lobby. The chair I sit in is green. The table my laptop sits on is black. My laptop and phone are plugged into a UK outlet with the adapter I remembered to bring. Last year I had to go back to my room when I forgot my adapter there. I remember that. I am sitting adjacent to the cafe. Bottles of San Pellegrino and iced coffee all facing the same direction, face me. An American man sits two tables away, equipped with buzzwords and catchphrases, makes calls as if he were the only one in the room. I can see the reception desk from here. I watch people check in and ask questions. I am sitting in the same spot in the same hotel lobby that I was sitting in 365 days ago. Truth is, I had to move. I am now sitting in the same lobby, in a different spot. I did not not expect to be here, in this spot, or at this hotel.
I wonder where my head was at then. I have yet to reread the post and do not want it to inform what I want to say now. My head is in a good, peaceful, and very exhausted place. Life is hard. I think I am finally letting go and accepting the fact that life will always be hard. 2022 swinging through 2023 has been an extra tough one.
My health is worse, or rather, I am more aware of my not-so-great health: autoimmune heart issues, lingering demon cough and unexplained anemia. My doctors are looking for cancer. There, I said it. They still haven’t found it. I still believe they never will.
Dave’s beard is gone. I liked his beard. I also like Dave clean shaven. Honestly, I really like Dave. We still hold hands. We still make love, (and with each other). We fight less. I honestly think we like each other more, better, I think we accept who the other is better than we ever did before. Is that what growing old together means?
We celebrated our twenty-fifth anniversary in June. We were hiking Spain’s Camino Ingles with our hiking group. I coughed the entire time. My hiking friends, possibly now enemies, thought I had Covid. I did not. On the daily I heard,
“Beth, now so and so is sick and by the way, your cough.”
What I did have is some sort of persistent cough, a cough that has plagued me since May. My physical therapist believes I have PTSD as a result of said cough and suggested I see a therapist,
“People don’t realize how a cough can mess with someone’s head. Are you talking to anyone?”
On the day of our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary our group hiked to a beach. The sun was bright. Half the group stripped down to their underwear and swam in the cool Spanish waters. I did not swim. I could hardly get my socks off. Instead, I sat in the shade eating slices of turkey as I watched Dave devour an orange. That night as Dave ate dinner with the group, I was absent as a result of heat stroke. The texts arrived,
“Beth, the group toasted to you and Dave. It was weird that you were not here.”
I feel like I still keep waiting to “be here,” and celebrate our mighty accomplishment. Instead, I have been sick and been preoccupied with tests, blood draws and procedures. My sudden poor health has forced me to stop. For someone who does not sit still well, being stopped woke me up. I sincerely believe I did stop sweating the small stuff. I need to get well. Not setting boundaries was keeping me sick. Consequently, I started saying no to everything, and completely distanced myself from anything or anyone who caused my throat to tighten. I would text,
“I am sorry I cannot talk. I cough so hard that I throw up.”
It wasn’t a lie. I vomit-coughed every day. Twice I woke up and cough vomited so violently that I could not take a breath. I could not move air into my body. As I knelt naked on all fours on our bathroom floor, tears streamed down my face. In a quiet, desperate wheeze, I pleaded, “Dave, I do not want to die. Please don’t let me die.” I do not know how I moved from that one moment to the next. Yet, I did not die.
I spent a lot of time alone, trying not to cough. I started holding my breath.
“Beth, you are holding your breath.” Dave would say.
Then I would breathe. I spent so much time alone, trying to breathe and trying not to cough.Then loneliness sort of became my friend. I am still not a fan of being alone. I am a new fan of taking care of myself.
As I sat in my room coughing and watching a reality show literally called, “Alone,” I promised myself if I rested the entire month of August, we could make our scheduled trip to London in September. I rested and became more anemic. I still traveled to London, celebrating with Kyle before he headed off to New York. While here, we drove Kyle to Oxford to meet up with friends. Since then, Kyle’s light turned back on. What a gift. He and I talked about the moment everything shifted.
“Mom, you know when my switch flipped?”
“When I met up with my friends.”
Dave traveled to Poland. I wanted to spend time with Kyle before he left so I decided to skip Warsaw and meet Dave here. Life is fleeting and I want to grab as many moments with my kids as they will permit.
Kyle drove me to the airport. We said what we thought were strange goodbyes.
“You’re taking me to the airport and you are moving later today.”
“I know. It is so weird. Sort of backwards and also right.” ❤️
Kyle landed in New York moments after I landed in London. Serendipity.
I gathered my things and made my way to the Tube. As I watched people buy tickets for the Elizabeth Line, I thought,
“Suckers! Don’t they realize they don’t have to buy a ticket? They can simply tap on with a credit card.”
I caught myself and admitted that last year I was just getting comfortable riding the tube. I told myself that I preferred to walk or Uber. I think I was scared. Then after one exhausting walk from East London to Covent Garden to the British Museum and back, with an accompanying Banksy-sighting, I decided it was time to embrace London’s public transit system. I have never looked back.
And now here I sit in our east London hotel lobby. Eli texted moments ago. I love hearing from him. He thinks he sprained his wrist climbing. I feel far away. I hope he is ok. I also did not think I would be here. I am deeply grateful. [I write as my tears fall.]
Please know as I process, I am mindful of Heather’s children. I’m not sure these words will ever cross their path. I am also a mom and want to show compassion for their mother. This is a post I never wanted to write. I thought by the time we were old, we would have worked this shit out. God, how I wish I could say these things to her face.
Heather and I were journal writers and record keepers. For me, this document is important. I cared deeply about her, even until the end. When things were good and when she was on, I could be my completely unfiltered self. Our relationship was amazing. Our banter, gossip and deep conversations, inside jokes and eye rolls were a delicious treat. It often seemed no one understood me like she did. Making people feel seen was her gift. I miss it.
I believe the Heather B. Hamilton Armstong that I knew is the Heather the internet fell in love with. Her life was a Shakespearean play, with a little of The Taming of the Shrew and mostly Macbeth. Her life ended abruptly as a result of heartbreaking tragedy as a result of her Sisyphean struggle with mental illness.
At one time, and for quite some time, Heather and I were very best friends. Then we weren’t.
May 10, 2023, I received a text from my friend Sarah, with a link to an Instagram post: “I assume you saw this but just in case.” As the world was learning, I also learned that Heather B. Hamilton (Armstrong) died by suicide.
Tears streamed down my face. I did not know I was crying. Words came out of my mouth. I couldn’t understand what I was saying. My hand picked up my phone and my fingers began texting; words missing words and incomplete sentences. It felt like my fingers, my words, my tears were already grieving something my brain was not ready to process.
“Oh Heather.” I said out loud. For her, for her children, my heart broke.
…Salt Lake City is a small town. Heather and I lived near each other for more than a decade. I honestly believed we would run into each other at the grocery store. I hope we would make peace. We never did.
All these years later, she seemed broken, unwell, isolated and stridently enabled. By the end, and from the casual observer, it seemed her current boyfriend had built a firewall between her and the rest of the world. I wonder if he loved her or was more enamored with the status she provided him. I hope he loved her. I will never know. What I do know is something my husband, Dave, shared. In a loving tone he said, “She still has it. Her writing is so good. I am just sorry she felt so desperately lonely…We were just down the street.”
As I reflect, I ache. The last words I spoke to Heather were, “fine, you fucking whore.” I hung up the phone. We never spoke again. I always believed we would.
My sons were six and four. I vividly remember our conversation. I can see my sons’ tiny, desperate faces as they urgently clung to my legs: “Mommy, why is that lady screaming at you? Why is she calling you embarrassment? What does embarrassment mean? Mommy, please don’t cry.” Terrified, my sons began to sob. Heather’s shrieks stole the oxygen. I could not speak. I was shaking. I was shook. I was afraid. I could not get a hold of Dave. So I called my Mormon bishop, even though I didn’t go to church. He was also my friend. I wailed. Between gasps and heaves, I told him what had happened. I don’t know why.
At that moment, I was a wobbly shadow of myself. Looking back, I wish I could have done it better. I wish I had held my boundaries or had more compassion or both. I also wish that in that moment I had the wherewithal to forgive both of us. We were both dealing with our own shit and traumas. Mostly, I wish I understood that what was going on with Heather had nothing to do with me. I did not understand her rage. I cannot express its power. We were in a feedback loop. It was a mess. It went well beyond a normal fight between two best friends, even a really bad fight.
Since that night and through a lot of therapy, I have come to realize that we were both suffering. We were both triggered. We both flooded as a result. I had a dysregulated stress response to Heather as a result of the past abuse I experienced and my own unrelated traumas. At that moment, I could not see past her very loud shrieks and cutting, cruel words. This was not the Heather I knew. I one-hundred percent did not get it. Our exchange left deep scars that took years (on my end) to repair.
I will carry this.
Way back when we were T9-texting, before there were blogs, and before people felt safe buying things online or making money from sponsorships and their social media streams, I met Heather. We became friends in real life because we were dating two dudes who lived in the same house.
We met in college. She visited when my oldest son was born. When she and I made our way back to Utah, we lived one block away from each other — by choice. Heather and I both worked in high tech. We both began blogging unrelatedly and at the same time. I visited her in the hospital when Leta was born. Leta wore my sons’ hand-me-downs. I brought Heather People & Us Magazines the day she spent in a Mental Health Facility. My favorite was a fleece jacket made for me by a friend. Heather was a brilliant writer. She understood me like no one else ever did. I bet she got a lot of people. She was whip smart and could be so absolutely kind. She cried at my sorrows and laughed at my weird sense of humor.
Our college friendship was my favorite. Her boyfriend, Jonny E, lived with my Dave. Jonny was the person I texted when I received the news of Heather’s passing. When Heather and Jon E. began dating, we became a foursome. Jonny, Dave and I lived together and I recall the day I was sitting in my room working on my laptop. Heather walked in with a stack of books. “Beth, can we talk?” I looked away from my laptop and said, “Of course.” “Beth, I think Jon and I are going to have sex. I went to the BYU library and checked out all of these science books.” We were all LDS and working our way out of being LDS. I said, “well the first thing you need to do is set aside all of those books.” We laughed about this for years.
During this same time we watched a metric ton of Law & Order. Why? Because Heather loved Angie Harmon and we loved Heather’s love of Angie Harmon. Then we all loved Law & Order – only the Angie Harmon episodes. Heather was convincing that way. There was the time we were helping Heather and Jonny E. move. Dave gave them this old, giant, wooden console television. Jonny E. and Heather were driving a rented moving van. As they rounded the corner, from University Avenue to 500 North in Provo, Dave and I watched the television bounce out of the back of the van and skitter across the intersection. They stopped the van. We were all laughing hard. Heather and I kept saying, “I think I am going to pee my pants. Beth, I am totally peeing my pants.” (We may have both peed our pants.) Dave and Jonny E. lifted the TV back into the van and we followed behind to see that it made it safely to its new home. The wood was scraped up, but it still worked! When Heather and Jon E. moved to LA, Dave and I visited them there a couple of times. We strolled through their cool West Hollywood neighborhood. When Heather mentioned having painful constipation, Dave and Jon went to the drug store to buy her an enema. She was certain to tell me how it worked. “Ok Beth. I read the instructions. I held the water in as long as I could. Oh my God. It worked. I pooped.” I loved that unfiltered and delightful Heather.
Years later, as we slow-rolled out of our friendship, Heather was ascending, stratospherically and ultimately became the most famous mommy blogger ever on planet earth. Selfishly I wish she would have been able to feel the pride I felt for her. I wish she would have been able to feel my honest friendship. I wish Heather was able to understand me. I wish she knew I was safe and someone she could trust. I wish she did not feel the need to actively shun me. We were no longer participating in a reciprocal friendship. She was famous and from what she communicated to me, she wanted me to be her fan. I was confused when she called me jealous. I had no idea why she could not feel my support. Mostly, I did not know or understand the voices that were in her head.
Let me be clear: There was so much I loved about Heather. I helped build our wedge. I did not know how to handle fame, or rather, my weird relationship to fame. The constant onslaught of people trying to get closer to her through me was confusing. Have you ever had a best friend suddenly become famous? I made mistakes. I experienced Heather’s rise in our neighborhood, online and via our mutual friends. I had a neighbor who constantly complained to me about Heather and Jon. She would come to my house and say, “can you believe Jon and Heather.” Then allegedly, she would return to Jon and Heather to report what I said about them, (at least that is what Heather shared with me). The need for people to get close to Heather through me never seemed to end. We shared mutual friends who were annoyingly and stridently neutral. I think their behavior and refusal to set a boundary with me or Heather was equally damaging. I wish our neutral friends had picked sides, or better, picked her.
The sycophants and haters were also real. Bloggers reached out to me so they could get closer to her. It was all new territory. It was the Wild West of the internet. I should not get a pass. However, those neighbors, friends and internet people who used my relationship with Heather to leverage their relationship with her are also responsible.
In the purest form of the word sycophant, they used Heather to get what they want and to get a price of what she was having. I am ashamed of the moments I fell for it. I am sad I got caught up in it. It did not take me long, however, to see how unhealthy and unkind it was. It all sounds so petty now. I wish I had not been caught up in it. Heather was not something to use to prop myself up. Heather was my friend, albeit a very difficult friend. I also cannot imagine what she was going through.
Near the end, I was frustrated that our friendship was not withstanding all of the craziness. I wrote something. See, her written words, especially the ones about me and Dave, were often biting and cruel. I told myself she could handle it. She did not handle it. She screamed that I hurt her feelings — deeply. She told me she cried for a month, that she could not get out of bed for a month. “Beth, you are my very best friend. I don’t know if I can forgive you.”
Honestly, I thought she was being unfair and overly dramatic. I did not grasp her mental illness. I make no excuse for her cruelty. She was brutal, cold and absolutely mean. I remember, and to quote her, “I will send my minions” to DOX anyone who trolled her or “hurt her feelings.” And then she sent her minions, who caused so much pain and suffering as a result. She openly stated that she hated to be opposed or pushed back on. Ultimately, this was the breaking point. I no longer knew or liked or felt safe with this version of Heather.
I was absolutely terrified of her. I also did not get it. I did not understand that maybe there was actually some truth to her words. Maybe she was actually upset for a month and struggled to get out of bed. Sure, I get depressed. Yet, I have never known a kind of suffering that causes you to stay in bed for a month. I did not comprehend.
What I also did not realize then and what I see so clearly now is that there was nothing I could do to fix her, to make her trust me, trust my intent or heal her brokenness. I am just not that powerful. I think at times I thought I was. I feel selfish. I am not sure she could be the person I wanted her to be. My guess is we were destined to end, which totally sucks.
Now as Heather fades away, I believe we all know what an absolute tragedy this is. I hope she finds peace. I hope she knows she was loved. May she find rest.
(PS: I am currently in Japan and wanted to get this up before another day passed. I would like to add links to this post/and maybe more edits.)
Our bags are packed. We are (almost) ready to go. We fly home tomorrow. We will arrive on Thanksgiving afternoon. We ordered our Thanksgiving dinner while we were still in Melbourne, from a popular and hip restaurant in Salt Lake. Eli has graciously offered to pick it up so we will have a feast ready when we roll into town. (Thank you, Easy E! ❤️)
Five weeks plus one day ago, My husband, Dave, and I set out for our epic (work trip) adventure. We flew to England then Amsterdam (where Dave’s wallet remains), and then to Melbourne, Australia via Chicago and Los Angeles. On our Chicago to Los Angeles flight, I glanced at the lady sitting behind Dave. She was pilates-fit. Her forehead looked pressed like a starched shirt and plumped like all the best fillers LA can serve up. As I glanced, she glared, which forced me to abruptly move my head.
“Wait? That looks like Christopher Loyd, the guy from the “Back to the Future” movies.”
I turned my head back and quickly googled Christopher Lloyd and his wife, which I believe is his fifth wife. The woman sitting behind Dave looked exactly like her photo pictured in my search. It was Christopher Lloyd. Dave did his best to take a photo surreptitiously. As we exited the flight, Chris (that is what his wife called him) said, “Chris, will you grab my hat?” He did. We were inches from one another. I made eye contact. I smiled; he smiled back. Truth be told, if it had not been Christopher Lloyd, I would have started talking to him, but it just seems weird to make chitchat with a celebrity.
Me making eye contact with the actual Christopher Lloyd
It has been a long, strange, happy, exhausting adventure. The time flew by and often I threatened to fly home:
“Dave, I think you should stay. I already looked at flights and it will only cost 65$ US to change my ticket. You will be fine!”
Dave was never thrilled that I wanted to go home. I wasn’t necessarily homesick. I was tired of traveling. I know. I am the one who is supposed to love, love, love travel, planes, lounges, foreign grocery stores, and exploring new destinations. I do. In fact, this trip has been largely wonderful.
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Me in front of the women’s hospital Melbourne
One of the sources of my malaise was that, as soon as we landed in Melbourne, well actually like two days later, I was bitten by a completely insane flying Australian insect. Dave and I were walking to a new park. I was bitten between the Melbourne Women’s Hospital and Royal Park. I felt the sting immediately. I also noticed the accompanying and prompt blood blister that appeared on my arm. The blister was followed by swelling, big red bumps and strange red spots. I truly wanted to itch my arm right off my body.
Then I was assured,
“Beth, it’s inflammation. You know you are allergic to everything!”
It is true. I am allergic to a lot of things. I was not dead yet, so I assumed I would be ok.
Docklands, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
That was until like three nights later. It was 1:03AM. I shot right out of bed grabbing my throat. I could not breathe.
“Dave, I cannot breathe!”
I tried to point to the location of my inhaler and any other medication I thought might help. Dave tried to help. We were a disoriented mess: two people in REM sleep, startled awake to a medical emergency. I could not catch my breath. I could see it in Dave’s face. He was scared. I was scared. In seconds I went from coughing uncontrollably to wheezing. I sounded like a crackly-chested seal. I asked Dave to put my Apple Watch on so he could check my oxygen levels. They were good, which gave me peace of mind.
I also knew what it was. I have asthma. I was having an asthma attack. Asthma has never woken me out of a sound sleep. I used my inhaler. Usually after two inhaler puffs I start to feel better. I was not feeling better. I could not catch my breath.
I asked Dave (repeatedly),
“Why am I having an asthma attack? We are in a hotel!”
Docklands, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Tears flooded my eyes. Then they covered my face. I looked at Dave and asked him to look at me. Then I said,
“I need you to hear this. I am really scared. I also want you to know that I have been in regular contact with Eli and have been struggling to get a hold of Kyle. A few hours ago Kyle messaged me. I am so glad. See, if I die tonight, I am glad for him that we connected.”
I am not trying to be dramatic to be dramatic. The dramatic moment and the fear Dave and I felt, stands all on its own.
Flying Foxes, Yarra Bend Park, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Seriously, I have never felt the sustained loss of breath like I did right then. I tried to calm myself by sucking on a cough drop. I took some other drugs and noticed the prednisone my allergy doctor urged me to keep on deck:
“Beth, you travel all over the world. I would hate to see you suffer.” I settled on the couch and asked Dave to cue up Netflix. I followed with, “I will not sleep. I will be sitting upright watching a show.”
Flying Fox (Fruit Bat) Chau Chak Wing Museum, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
True to my word, I sat upright all night long. Every time my head dropped, I started coughing and then I would choke as I tried to catch my breath. It completely sucked. A few episodes in, I noticed that Dave slept with the door open in our “upgraded from a room to a suite” room.
“He will hear me. I will not die alone.” I was relieved. He tells me, “Beth, I did not sleep. Instead, I listened.”
The next morning we were exhausted. I was also feeling better. We decided to go to a pharmacy for more meds. On our way out of the hotel, I asked the lovely front desk person where the nearest hospital was in case I needed to make a visit. That is when they talked to me about allergy season:
“Well mate, it’s really bad this year. And we had a thunderstorm last night.” What did not compute to my northern hemisphere-brain is that it is spring here in Australia (and the rest of the Southern Hemisphere.)
“You have asthma? You need to be really careful this week. There have been warnings all over the news.” The front desk person stated.
I really thought they were joking. I was like, “Thunderstorm Asthma. That sounds like something from Mad Max.”
“Beth, (because we were on a first name basis), you have to take it seriously. Please be careful. PEOPLE DIE!”
Hours later the hotel sent me a news article and that we were indeed visiting during the height of the apocalyptic phenomenon known as Thunderstorm Asthma, which involves high levels of grass pollen. And grass is the thing I am most allergic to. Oof! Yes. You read that correctly. In 2016, 3,400 Melbourne locals were hospitalized and ten people died. I decided to do all the things I do to calm down my inflammation response, which included asking our hotel for a non-feather blanket and foam pillows. After receiving approximately ten additional feather pillows and after speaking with the night time housekeeping dude, (who also assured me that “you know Covid is a hoax,)” well, after he spoke to his staff and I asked him if we could avoid the Covid conversations,
“I really like you. You have been good to us. Let’s just agree to disagree on all the Covid conspiracies.”
He reluctantly, yet sweetly complied and two foam pillows were delivered to our room.
I survived. We truly had a lovely time. We were in Melbourne for two weeks. While there we explored the Southern Coast. We also explored Melbourne. Every night we set a goal of walking another direction, to another park, museum or landmark. We loved the National Gallery, walking back and forth over all the bridges that cross the Yarra River, walking through the Docklands neighborhood at night, and peering down seeing beautiful graffiti line the ally way. Our favorite city grocery store (Woolworths) is located on the 2nd floor of the Southern Cross train station. And then the day we bailed on the rental car, we had the amazing adventure of learning that flying fox is just a cute word for toddler-sized fruit bats. We learned this because on the edge of Melbourne is Yarra Bend Park where 50,000 fruit bats gather and sleep in the trees. In the evening all the bats fly a few miles and hang in the trees at Melbourne’s Botanic gardens. We walked under for what seemed like miles underneath and near those bat filled trees. One fruit bat pooped inches from my head. It is the stuff of nightmares.
We connected with dear friends. One hosted us at their beautiful farm, which included wrangling and penning sheep, kissing a lama, petting horses and wrestling a gigantic piece of black netting over six large fruit trees to keep the birds out. Our other gave us a tour of their stylishly cool and very grown up office space.
Today we are in Sydney. We have been here for eight days. Sydney has been good to me and my reactive self. We enjoyed our favorite Messina gelato/sorbetto, our favorite Sunday ferry rides. This time we took the ferry to Watsons Bay where we visited Morton National Park and walked to Pointer Gap Lookout. We visited the Chau Chak Wing Museum at The University of Sydney, walked new neighborhoods and familiar one. We also discovered that are in town during the blooming of the vivid purple flowered Jacaranda trees, and found a groove that made Sydney feel right. In fact, just last night near Bondi Beach we enjoyed dinner hosted by Dave’s delightful French colleague and her delightful French partner, who both love to surf and stated,
“Beth, the way you say that, you get the timing. Are you sure you are not French?”
That was one of the best compliments I have ever received: two French lovers who relocated to Sydney told me, the American, that I remind them of their homeland. Dave chimed in,
“She is. Beth has family from France.”
Then they said they would protect me from Melbourne and its allergens next time we are here: “We will watch Beth.” I quickly interjected,
“Dave, I will connect with a Hemsworth brother until you return.” We all laughed. It did feel like home.
Thank you, Sydney! Dave and I have been staying in the lovely Darlinghurst neighborhood, which is east of Sydney’s Central Business District (CBD/downtown), if I have my coordinates correct. Each morning, wherever we are, I wake up with Dave and walk him to work. This is the first trip that I have done every single day, except on thunderstorm-asthma day. Today, I walked Dave down Darlinghurst Road, took a left on Williams, and walked down the big hill past the giant Coca Cola sign. Then as we did our usual diagonal walk through Hyde Park to Pitt Street, I was filled with melancholy.
“Dave, I knew this would happen and I am not sure you will believe me. I recognize I threatened to go home, especially during the allergy stuff, but come on, that is totally understandable, right? Today, I feel a little sad. I am not sure I am ready to go. I really like the rhythm. I have enjoyed my time here.”
Sydney’s Jacaranda Trees, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
True to our boys’ assessment,
“Mom, you love-hate everything!”
This trip has been no different. I love connecting with old friends. I hate thunderstorm asthma. I love where we are staying. I hate that it was not clean when we arrived. I am sad to leave. I am really excited to get back home. Five weeks is long. Flying from London to Melbourne is really long. Five weeks also flew by.
This evening Dave & I had dinner in our Darlinghurst neighborhood at an amazing place with an awesome name, #eatfuh. Yes, that is what it is called. We returned to our rental making plans for tomorrow’s flight. After stress eating 3 gluten free Hob Knobs I picked up in London, I felt a disturbance in the force. It took me another five minutes to realize my jacket was missing. Dave and I walked back to #eatfuh. As we stepped inside, our sweet waiter was holding something in his arms. It was my jacket. Thank you Sydney.
#eatfuh: dave with our waiter, the one who rescued my jacket, Darlinghurst, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
We arrived at the airport this morning. As fate, or Hollywood, would have it, I spotted another actor: Richard E. Grant.
Richard E. Grant (Wikipedia)
I was like,
“Hey Dave, it’s that actor guy. I really like him. He looks better in person.”
And now we are waiting for our flight. ❤️ Until next time Australia.
Dave wanted me to add this photo of Richard E. Grant as Loki so I did.