As you know or don’t know we went to Portland, Oregon. We went up to see friends past and present and to check Portland out as a viable place to reside. Have I mentioned all of this before? We are SO frustrated. It seems the more we travel, the more we do not have a place to live, the more schizophrenic we become.
Ah ha, but this entry is supposed to be about to our trip to Oregon.
Ode to Oregon
Ode to Old Friends
Even though they may skip school and spend tons of time with us,
We must remember that if we move to Portland things won’t always be like that.
Ode to good friends that not only play with our kids, they love our kids.
Ode to friends who put us up and put up with us,
(As long as we do not play Texas Hold ’em and we do sing Barry Manilow into the wee hours).
Ode to Justin and Stephanie.
We miss you.
Ode to boogers. Because no matter where you go, there they are.
Should I be starting so many lines with “Ode?”
Ode to Eli. You travel so well.
The Pacific Northwest Rain gets us down
But not you. You are our peace.
Okay, more than schizophrenic I think I am sounding run-of-the-mill crazy. Portland was beautiful, cool, and groovy. We looked at real estate, talked about the good schools, found the Target, and then it rained…

Thankfully through it all, the love is still there. Dave and I feel stronger even though our life is so crazy.
Please help us find a place to put some roots down.
Post your suggestions. Thank you
Yes Beth, just remember if you decide to move to Portland, Justin says that he won’t be able to see you, ever!!!
I forgot to mention that I loved your posting. We miss you guys and especially the boys.
Can’t believe you didn’t even mention the hidden paradise on the better (and dryer)side of the Cascades! I must assume that you’re working on the 40-verse ode to Bend (never mind us)? Then again, let’s keep it our own little secret, OK?