We are leaving San Francisco today. We are headed toward Big Sur and the to Great Basin National Park. On the way we will hit the Apple Store and Fry’s Electronics. The kids are great, but hard to contain in this apartment where we are using the net. I am afraid Kyle is going to destroy Dave’s friends’ Big Screen television and I hold his arm as I write to prevent him from shattering their glass table.
Kyle, Union Square, San Francisco, California
Eli is screaming because we have him strapped in the stroller. Oh, the sacrifices we make our kids go through so that we can get on the web. Please post. It is easier to check the site than my email when we are on the road.
We are here in San Francisco, California. We left Utah one week ago.
Thus far we have ventured through Lake Tahoe, Yosemite National Park, Downtown San Francisco (The Metreon and Union Square), Muir Woods National Monument, A visit with the Dawkins Family and a trip to their Placerville, CA property, back to San Francisco, a night on a very windy over look, Muir Beach, and today The Bay Area Discovery Museum. I am exhausted just writing that sentence.
Eli, Northern California
The boys have been terrific. Kyle’s highlight was seeing and spending time with Quinn and Max his great friends from Virginia. We spent the night at Bill’s parent’s Winters, CA vineyard. The boys, Stephanie and myself hung out at the local park. We have been to some many parks around the U.S. that it has been suggested that we are on the USA Park Tour 2002-2003.
My highlight was witnessing Eli walk into our friend’s bathroom, and after seeing their duck shower curtain, he exclaimed, “Duck, quack.”
Yosemite National Park
As always there are so many more stories to tell, so much more to say. Eli is sacked out on the couch, Dave and his friends are occupying Kyle. We need to get our kids back to our hotel so we can all get some sleep. Yes, tonight, we are staying in a hotel. Last night we stayed in the van at an overlook on the extremely windy road to Muir Woods National Park.
Eli in the camper van in Reno, Nevada
Kyle with his traveling gear in Reno, Nevada
Kyle and I at Yosemite National Park
Dave and Kyle at Yosemite National Park
Kyle and I at the Metreon San FranciscoEli, Union Square, San Francisco, California