Our Blind Date, it was a screaming success!

[UDPATE Locally Dave knows how to spell the right way and fix my misspelling of San Mateo way and also knows how to edit.]

We are walking out the door in a few short minutes. Dave’s business partner invited us to stay. I was nervous. I melted down. “Will they like us? Will I like them?”

We came and the second we saw our hosts, I knew it would be ok.  As I sit here and quickly type and not my best writing I must add,  I am the one who does not want to go.  I feel grateful and I want to say thank you! A amazing, groovy, like-minded family crossed our path and I feel lucky! Springless trampolines, caring parents, Kale salad, dietary considerations [wink wink], polite and considerate children who ask if it is ok if they take a shower so as not to use all the hot water on us, zen dogs named Mojo, chicken birds who eat Rice Krispies and puff their feathers just so, captivating words and really yummy bacon are a mere start. We are driving away from San Mateo today with new friends that we are already hoping make their way to Park City very soon. Triple Bonus is that they have boys our boys’ ages. Quadruple bonus is that both parents are smart and open. Septuple bonus is that Dave and I get along with both parents.  Thank you Brian. Thank you for Park City bike rides and thank you life for taking us to such great heights.


We will miss you V family and hope to see you soon. Check back and I will write a proper detailing of our crazy San Mateo-ian (how would you say that?) adventures.


much, much love,

the Adams Family,
Dave, Beth, Kyle & Eli