Every time I tried posting this past week, my brain literally stalled out. It has been extremely hard translating the thoughts in my head onto these pages. I have tried many times over the last several days, but each time, I had to stop because my brain hurt.
Alas, I am feeling better. Nine days later, my head still hurts and if you give me your hand I will let you feel the indentation on my skull. Ask Kat, Alan, Dave and my mom (they all felt it) and yes, the depression in my skull is a kind of disconcerting, but what’s a little skull depression now that I am back (I think).
I have missed writing. I have missed reading. I have missed talking in complete and eloquent paragraphs. I pray I have a greater appreciation for neurological conditions. I hope there are no long-lasting affects of my concussion. There were moments when I felt truly sorry for myself and moments when I convinced myself that my concussion was not real, but all in my head [wink]. I am amazed at how much a bump to the noggin can humble a person. I have spent this past week feeling as though I was looking through someone else’s glasses (a little unerving I might add). Because I have two little boys who depend on me, I pushed myself into forming the words and laughing past the millions of times I unintentionally blended every word that came out of my mouth.
“I know I meant to say Urban Outfitters, but isn’t Burbonitters much cuter sounding than Urban Outfitters? Hey, and I bet Bourbon-Knitters would totally serve you booze while you knit, you think?”
Scary stuff.
Thank you everyone for your awesome birthday wishes. You made my year. For your compassionate thoughts regarding my brain trauma, I will always be grateful. I have so much to say and I will say it. I always feel badly when I promise you a story and then I don’t deliver, but I will. Tonight, because I am able to finally write, however, I simply needed to say how glad I am for my brain, how glad I am to be alright and how grateful I am for all of the support I have received. Thank You!