I have been to all three festivals this year (kind of). I still need to see a Sundance Film. That should be solved soon because I am on my way to get my Townie Tickets for Townie Tuesday. Before I go I need to post. In the back of my mind I have this goal to post Monday through Friday. So far it has been difficult. Today I thought I would at least post something and then come back later — I hope.
The Dominos Pizza has been delivered, the kids are settled in babysitter mode, my hair is combed, my teeth are brushed and I am on my way. I cannot wait to tell you about my very favorite OUTDOOR RETAILER Show and how super cool X-Dance was. Utah has been bringing some really amazing events to town, especially this time of year.
I will take pictures of tonight’s adventure and will be back soon to post. Forgive the random commas and misspells. I know I need to edit.
11:08 PM

We are back. The wait was just over an hour. I began our night by driving to Dave’s office, which is in downtown Park City, We bundled up, went outside and took the Free Park City bus to Main Street. We walked into the Gateway Park City building, found the end and stood in line until it was our turn at the Ticket Counter. The wait was about an hour.

Please forgive this most lazy post. I have so much more to tell and after I wash that grey right out of my hair and go read with Eli’s class, I will.