Ok. . . So . . . In the last few weeks I broke my arm (or I think I broke my arm). There has been quite a debate about over it and I am learning that elbow fractures are tricky. In this time we also traveled to Mexico and since the “alleged” broken-arm incident I have not blogged. I am back to blogging. And today while I try to finish this post I have Tweeted, Facebooked and even checked out my new LinkedIn Connections (which I rarely do). Honestly, I am nervous to be blogging again. It has only been a few weeks and I have absolutely no idea why I am nervous. I have no reason to be nervous. Everyone who reads CrazyUS.com is always so cool. Weird. Wish me luck.
Here is why it has been hard to type, talk on the phone, unclasp my bra and pull my pants up properly (ask Dave):
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