Last week this copper tea kettle came in the mail for me. Dave and I had seen one just like it on our recent trip to Washington DC. Dave had secretly ordered it for me. Because I can be a little wishy-washy about things, once it came, I wasn’t sure if I wanted this tea kettle or the one with the automatic hand mechanism. That was until I made a certain discovery. Unbeknownst to either one of us, the seventh anniversary just happens to be the copper/wool anniversary. With this knowledge, at once my wishy-washy copper tea kettle became this beautiful (albeit slightly sappy) copper symbol of our love, a fortuitous little kettle that was meant to be in our home. Funny how simple information can change an opinion, isn’t it?
. . . When Dave and I were dating and our communication was colorful and open, I know many people thought our open communication would break us. Some people could not even fathom that we were a romantic couple because we were such incredible friends. Au contraire! It is that same open communication and fantastic friendship that has made this marriage work, and work so well.
You are my best friend, my husband, my rock-star lover and the father of our children. There are moments, like last night when you accused me of putting the chicken in the freezer, when I want to bite your head off and eat it. Those moments are brief compared to all the wonderful, amazing time we have spent together. I mean it. Last week as we drove past the Bethesda Residence Inn, where we spent the first night of our marriage, I felt glad and amazed at how fast it has gone. As we drove by our Poolesville, Maryland reception site (now a Chinese Buffet — and of course), I thought of posing (again) for those unconventional wedding photos we took on on the Poolesville lawn. I thought of our very yummy cake that was way too small. I cringed thinking about my dress that was way too tight. I laughed out loud when I thought of a particular ex-girlfriend of yours, the one who hit you in the head, hard, with the bottle she was supposed to be using to blow bubbles with. Our wedding was absolutely perfect!

As I read my archives (which in many ways articulates my feelings much better), I was reminded that last year our anniversary slipped your mind and I was a little upset. Consequently, you felt and appreciated my sorrow then and now. This year not only has the calendar on you computer been flashing reminders for the past week, but so has your PDA. I have seen the places you have written our special date down and yesterday you asked me what I wanted to do for our anniversary. Thank you for not forgetting. I know you are remembering because you know how much it means to me. And this is precisely why I think our marriage works so well. Thank you for loving me and letting me love you.
Happy Anniversary Dave! I love you!