14 thoughts on “Flowers while I have been away

  1. I’m going to practice not borrowing trouble (I have a black belt in it). Therefore, I look forward to reading you soon, and send you hugs as usual, in the meantime. 🙂

  2. So much worry. I’m hoping for good news. Let’s see, 3pm is after the market closes, perhaps crazyus.com will be announcing an IPO. Then we can all buy some shares of your sharing.

  3. Wow, spectacular flowers.

    I’ll be an optimist for once and look forward to hearing good news.

    And no need to apologize for any absence! Hopefully everyone understands that you’re the mom of two active boys. I only have one 2 1/2 year old and I can hardly get anything done.

  4. I love that flower in the center – what is it?

    News! News! News! We neeeeeeed it. 🙂

  5. I really love that first flower. I have no idea what it is, but it’s beautiful. It reminds me of how I’ve felt lately..a little prickly..If that makes sense. Hope its good news as well!

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