
Salt Lake City, Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah

I found this craigslist entry, and I was hoping that some CrazyUs reader might be able to help these people out:

Needed to settle a work dispute – $500

Reply to: sale———–
Date: 2006-04-04, 11:51AM MDT

Needed to settle a work dispute

1 Ninja sans weapons
1 Grizzly bear
Approximently a 2 acre field to hold the contest.

Willing to pay $500 for bear rental $500 for ninja rental and $200 for property rental


BTW this is serious

this is in or around Utah — (I added the posting in case the link doesn’t work for you)

For more ninja goodness, see Realultimatepower.

8 thoughts on “Wanted

  1. the link for ‘no,’ you’re a baby goes to oprah, who definitely does not cut off heads ALL the time! 🙂 i wonder what this work dispute is about–now that sounds like some good entertainment…

  2. I believe the obssession began in kindergarten – with the reading of book five of The Magic Tree House series – Ninja’s.
    Child & I did just finished reading this book and you finding this makes me laugh – who knew there are ninja’s amoung us?!

  3. There are sometimes those things that I read or hear or see that just befuddle me, like I just can’t wrap my mind the reasoning or purpose of something. This is one of those times.

  4. When Dave first showed this ad to me I thought it was a joke. But then he pointed to the line, “BTW this is serious”.


    If only we had a piece of land and a grizzly bear. As far as the Ninja, well, I am sure Dave would fit that role just perfectly [wink].

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