Albion Basin hike to Cecret Lake in Little Cottonwood Canyon, Utah
Yesterday afternoon Dave and drove up Little Cottonwood Canyon. For a little background, Little Cottonwood Canyon sits on the edge of the Wasatch Front and is located just down the road from Big Cottonwood Canyon. And to this day, each time I drive into one of these otherworldly places, I ask,
“Is this Big or is this Little?”
And truth be told, I also forget that Snowbird Ski Resort sits next to Alta Ski Resort (both in Little Cottonwood Canyon), and that Solitude Ski Resort lies just down the hill from Brighton (in Big Cottonwood Canyon). In fairness, Solitude and Snowbird both begin with an “s” – confusing to say the least. Because Big Cottonwood Canyon has a summer-mountain pass that takes you into Park City *the Guardsman Pass) and because the mountain biking is extraordinary, we often find ourselves in Big rather than Little Cottonwood Canyon.
Albion Basin hike to Cecret Lake in Little Cottonwood Canyon, Utah
Skateboarding with their friends won over hiking with their parents, so the boys stayed behind. Consequently, as Dave and I drove up the canyon, I was equally sad (that the boys were not there) and glad (I was able to have some alone time with Dave). Dave and I drove up higher and higher until we reached this dude wearing a jacket (mind you it was like a million degrees down in the valley) standing outside one of those little national-park-styled booths that look like tiny cabins. We stopped. I unrolled the window.
“Do you need a map?” The dude asked.
“Sure” We both said.
“I am just here to help. Please park only in designated areas, and no dogs are allowed in the watershed.” He responded. (I was a little surprised because I was certain he was going to charge us a fee. He didn’t.)
Albion Basin hike to Ceret Lake in Little Cottonwood Canyon
I grabbed the map and handed it to Dave. At that I shut the window, we all waved (yes, Dave, the dude and I), and we drove on. Just feet past the tiny booth the pavement ended. Now on a dirt road we kept driving up, up, up. After a really long and slightly winding switchback (or two), we passed the first parking lot. It was on the right. I slowed, and then Dave said,
“Keep driving to the next one.”
Here is the deal: Little Cottonwood Canyon is stunning. With its high altitude pines, vast array of wildflowers, and mountainous granite backdrop, it feels Alps-y, and specifically reminds me of the hills around Chamonix, France. I forgot how much I love this area. We arrived at the top parking lot. I put on my warm shirt (that dude was smart wearing a jacket), switched my blister-covered feet into a pair of tennis shoes, and Dave took (in his words), “a giant swig” of water.
“Do you want some?” He asked.
Pointing at the large and now empty cup in the cup-holder, I said, “No, I finished my drink, but thanks!”
All doors were locked, my laces were tied, and we were on our way. As we walked, I looked at the billions of wild flowers scattered around us and said, “I should have brought my real camera.” Thank God for cellphones, because its camera would suffice, and because I had no children to force into scenic poses, so would Dave.
Albion Basin hike to Cecret Lake in Little Cottonwood Canyon, UtahAlbion Basin hike to Cecret Lake in Little Cottonwood Canyon, Utah
The hike to Cecret Lake (yes, that is how they spell it) is a little less than a mile and the elevation climb is a little less than 500 feet. In that short distance, we hiked along a lovely campground, sandstone cliffs, rocks of all shapes and sizes, by a tiny granite-filled canyon, and all the varieties of mountain flora and one fauna (I saw a squirrel) you can imagine. Because the parking lot and the hike were not crowded I assumed (fantasized) that Dave and I had discovered our very own secret paradise. Of course my assumption is incorrect. Like I mentioned, the Albion Basin is a short drive up the canyon (about twenty-five minutes). It is one of the most popular hiking places in the Salt Lake Valley and with good reason.
Albion Basin hike to Cecret Lake in Little Cottonwood Canyon, Utah
As we walked, we talked. In fact, I have found that walking together is the best way we talk together. With Kyle and Eli somewhere on their skateboards, Dave and I also did not have to speak in code. And somehow the news of the day, like stupid Bill Cosby, steered our conversation to the subject of dating. And as we hiked our talk drifted from our own silly teenage dating experiences to what is the best dating advice and guidance for Kyle and Eli. We were sitting on a big piece of rock along Cecret Lake, looking at the mountains and the dark clouds in the distance when the first flash of insight came.
“I am glad I was afraid of dating boys when I was a teenager.”
I said. Dave listened as I mentioned how my fear of boys made their advances very confusing.
“I was a slow mover too.” Dave responded, and I wondered if the cute little squirrel foraging next us was getting any of it.
I continued, “Dave, It was so weird. I really liked boys. I talked to them. I flirted with them. When they wanted to kiss me I completely freaked out. I was terrified.”
“I totally get it.” Dave said while mentioning something about the vixen who made it a little easier for him.
“I just did not want to move as fast as they did.” I said and continued, “I was giving those boys very mixed messages and I did not even see it.” I said.
We got up, tried to walk along the lake, but the path ended. I stood there and looked. Cecret Lake is so beyond the beyond. We selfied (of course) and then we decided I must practice (perfect) my “Paris Hilton” picture-taking pose. Dave tells me he read somewhere that one of the things that helped propel Paris Hilton into the limelight was her ability to consistently take a flawless picture.
“She learned her angles and she practiced.” He said and we both laughed.
Albion Basin hike to Cecret Lake in Little Cottonwood Canyon, Utah (My Paris-Hilton Pose)
I ran closer to the lake, asked him to snap a few shots while I twisted my body and stuck my boobs out. Yes, I have worked on it, or better, I have work to do [wink wink]. Then we started back down and that is when Dave noticed a super cool little granite canyon beyond the bushes. He walked over and exclaimed,
“Beth, you have to see this.”
I did. And we looked, we admired, and we started talking dating again. We know adults who will not talk about dating (or sex, for that matter) with their kids. We know other adults who are on the opposite end of the spectrum. They scare me the most. They are extremely permissive, and so forcefully open and accepting that they can inadvertently push confused teens into corners. Because the teen assumes the adult knows best, once in the corner, the teen remains, and the consequences can be catastrophic. So yes, we realize that we adults can really screw up the message. And yes, we do not want to be those kinds of adults. Bottom line is we agreed that dating is tough, that kids move at all different speeds, and that we want to help our boys.
Albion Basin hike to Cecret Lake in Little Cottonwood Canyon, Utah
The clouds were rolling in in a dark grey mountain beauty. We felt the drops, opted to skip the bathroom as we ran to our car. Mud splashed as we drove down, and the sky cleared the closer we came to the canyon’s mouth. With all the wisdom we gleaned while sharing our secrets at Cecret Lake we felt compelled to conclude. As Dave drove I said,
“That is it. If any adult had given me not only permission to move at my own pace, but to verbalize my boundary out loud, that would have been the one thing that would have made a difference. I was terrified of dating and I had no idea how to say so or how to say slow it down.”
We agreed that out loud boundaries are great start. We will let you know how it goes with our boys. Cross your fingers.
We left the canyon with a plan to bring the boys ASAP to Cecret Lake and (of course) to talk to them about dating. At that, we headed to our favorite Vietnamese restaurant and checked in with the boys. Yes, they are still skateboarding.
There are many hikes in both Big and Little Cottonwood Canyon
We at at Oh Mai Vietnamese Restaurant. As Dave said, “I could eat here everyday.”
I could tell you Kyle and Eli’s new and favorite secret skateboarding place, instead (because I know better) I will tell you their favorite longboard shop.
Honestly, I am always amazed we survive! I will tell you why. It is simple. People die while hiking. And people die at Utah’s Donut Falls (some spell it, Doughnut). Last year at Donut Falls a woman fell 100 feet to her death. In 2003 a giant boulder crushed a young man. He was killed as he heroically pushed his friend out of the way. And just yesterday, (the day we were at Donut Falls), a guy fell 12 feet, landing on his back and was seriously injured. Why oh why would I take my children (and the children of our friends) into the death zone?
Yellowstone National Park: I’m not overreacting. It is scary!
I just said it: taking my loved ones here makes no sense. And in the interest of full disclosure, I think it is also important that I also mention (here and now) the fact that I may be totally obsessed with freak accidents (I am). I have read every death-in-the-mountains book I can get my hands on. Additionally, I was seduced by our friend’s coffee table book, “Death in Yellowstone,” while visiting a cabin near Yellowstone National Park. I will never forget reading about the dude, that generous man, who was burned to death jumping in a hot spring after a dog. No. Not his dog. Someone else’s dog slipped into a boiling spring, and this man was killed trying to save another person’s dog. Um, and thank you, stupid “Death in Yellowstone” book! The scars you inflicted are deep! Your scary stories haunt me! And your warnings freak me out! May I give your owners a suggestion? A book called “Death in Yellowstone” placed in a cabin near Yellowstone National Park may not be the best reading material to offer your houseguests.
Bryce Canyon National Park
Here is where my obsession with freaky stories jumps into my own reality. I have watched, helpless, our two-year-old Kyle walk his cute little toddler self off of a giant cement sculpture, and (thankfully?) landing on the crumple zone of his face. His teeth still wear the scars. Consequently, for years I death-gripped Kyle’s arm, grabbed the back of his shirt, and the back of his head (his hair), in my successful attempts (knock on wood) to save him (completely unaware) from running off of a fifty foot cliff (Moab’s Fisher Towers, for example, and Bryce Canyon’s Wall Street, for another). Now every single time our family goes on a hike, the blood leaves my brain, fills my achy-breaky heart, and the crazy voice in my head screams,
“Alert! Alert! Alert! Keep your eyes on your boys! Keep your eyes on your boys. Must save them! Must prevent crisis! They could fall to their death! Alert!”
Then as I see Kyle wander desperately close I yell,
“Dave, Dave, D’ah’AVE, Please! Look at how close they are TO THE EDGE! Please!” followed by a, “Kyle, Kyle. KYLE, please, STAY ON THE PATH! If not for yourself, do it for my sanity! Please!”
Ask Dave (or the boys). They will tell you.
“Yes, Beth is full of death grips and crazy screams!”
I would argue that in all the cases my crazy screams are founded. Dude, I do not have a spare. Sure, Dave may laugh a little, but he knows, as you do now, that our lovely Kyle has come way too close to base-jumping without a parachute. (Oh thank God, Eli stays on the trail!) Parental-Hiking-based-PTSD, absolutely!
Donut Falls Hike
Sunday (Father’s Day) we went on a hike with our friends Nate, Emily and their three lovely red headed children. As we all stood in in a very long line of people both coming and going in the 90 plus degree high-altitude heat, next to a fast flowing mountain stream, I imagined that we were actually waiting in line to climb Mount Everest’s deadly Khumbu Icefall. In case you do not know, the Khumbu Icefall is the place where people waiting in a long, stalled line, lead to great disaster. Here at Donut Falls the lines were also uncertain. People were walking in water to get around one another. Babies seemed fragile in wet arms. Feet were getting wet, shoes and tall socks were getting soaked (especially Eli’s). One flip-flop was last down stream, and Dave sent Kyle after it. And near the big warning sign there were people sitting eating watermelon. They offered us a piece.
I watched Kyle climb higher. He was completely out of my reach. He is taller, stronger, and bigger than I am. It made no difference. His life flashed before my eyes. There were so many people between us. Eli was sitting on a boulder. Dave was half way up the rock face between Eli and Kyle. I was on the other side. In a matter of seconds, my face went from acceptable summer glow to Goth-white. As I felt the blood rush out of my head, I knew it was time to executive-decision myself. Then I uttered these words:
“I do not want to project my hiking PTSD onto my boys.”
Donut Falls HikeDonut Falls Hike
Instead, I took a deep breath and watched. I distracted myself. I looked through my camera lens. I gave the boys several thumbs ups as I continued watching from afar. Kyle and Dave kept climbing higher. I will admit I was freaking out, especially as I watched them get so close to the wet rock and the raging waterfall. So far away from their listening ears I blurted, “I cannot look,” and as I stared up at Dave and Kyle, I asked, “Emily, Will you look?” She said,
“Of course.”
I quickly followed with,
“Ok. I have to look. No. I can’t. Nate, Please tell me when Dave and Kyle are on their way down. Please!”
Kyle and Dave both made it down. Sure, Dave ripped up the backside of his shorts, and Kyle was a sweaty mess, but they made it. Here is the deal. Hikes can be crazy, dangerous, and out of control. Heed the warnings. Be prepared. Bring and drink plenty of water. Wear proper shoes. Know your limitations, and pay attention. If there are too many people waiting to climb safely up, be patient. You will get your turn. I promise. You will be ok.
We survived the Donut Falls hike!
By the way, I love the Donut Falls hike. Utah’s Big Cottonwood Canyon is one of the most magical places on earth and Donut Falls is one of its many gems. As long as you are careful, stay on the path, and are patient, I promise the Donut Falls hike is safe. And really the only think you will have to survive is trying to get your too-tired-for-walking kids up and down the path [wink wink]. Trust me.
Lovely Dave talking Max up the Mountain.
Regarding Donut Falls: Here is a hot tip. Only park in designated spots or you will get a ticket!
As many know, Utah has many amazing hikes. We recommend taking a hike in Big Cottonwood Canyon, which is located at the eastern edge of the Salt Lake Valley. In the summer there is nothing like driving over the Guardsman Pass Scenic Backway to get between Park City and Salt Lake City. If you make it that far be sure to say hello to our year-round-living-in-Big-Cottonwood-Canyon friends, Travis and Troy! They will make you feel right at home.
We LOVE our tired boys muscling their way up and down Rob’s Trail, Park City, Utah
You may have noticed that my title begins with the word “hiking.” Indeed hiking/walking may be my very favorite aspect of travel/exploring. Today I am going to tell you about one of Park City, Utah’s very best hiking trails, a trail that leads into one of the world’s best trail systems. That being said, if you take anything away from this post, please take this: Explore. Hike. See.
Rob’s Trail, Park City, UtahThe Top of Rob’s Trail, Park City, UtahThe top of Rob’s Trail, Park City, Utah
Onto my post…
Dave and I have always found a way to hike, walk and move. Daily walks to our local Sugarhouse, Utah neighborhood Starbucks and Einstein Bagels were a must. And when our son, Eli was no more than three, he brilliantly uttered the phrase:
“I am too tired for walking.”
I am certain we were on an ambitious hike like Arches National Park’s Delicate Arch (but more likely it was while walking in our local neighborhood). Our need to move has not stopped, and until recently, Eli’s I-am-too-tired-for-walking sentiment has not waned. Nevertheless, as too-tired as he was, he did (walk, that is). So when we learned that the home in Park City we were building was literally in the backyard of some of the world’s finest hiking and mountain biking trails, we knew we would find a way to urge our tired little walker on.
Sledding Rob’s Trail, Park City, Utah
Thank you, Rob’s Trail! Eli’s love of Rob’s Trail came in the winter, actually. It was Dave’s idea, and it was sort of a trick.
See, Dave is an avid mountain biker and was already familiar with the Park City trail systems. One winter day he strapped his Yak Trax on and hiked up Rob’s. An hour or so later, I looked out the window at just the right moment to see Dave walking in the gully up to the right of our yard and carrying something.
“Wait. I thought he was hiking Rob’s. Why is he coming from the other direction?”
I ran to meet him.
“Beth, I hiked up Rob’s. I had no idea if it would work or not. I had to bushwhack a little, but sure enough you can hike up and then sled back down. The gully comes right through our yard.”
The boys were eight and six when Dave shared this news.
“Boys, grab your sleds. I found the best sledding ever!”
We quickly dressed in our winter gear. We each grabbed a sled. And of course, little Eli had no idea there would be a lot of walking before there was any sledding. Yes, he was indeed too-tired-for-walking. Nevertheless, we ALL made it. We hiked up Rob’s Trail and took a left when Rob’s meets up with Colin’s trail. We hiked a few hundred yards, and when we saw the little canyon/gully,
Dave said, “this is it!”
Those first few runs were so slow, and yes, there were large sticks, crazy dips, and unsuspecting rocks in the way. We eventually packed the snow down into a sort of toboggan run, and our boys continued to be tricked into walking up Rob’s so we could sled. It did not matter. The boys loved it! Not only that, I rarely ever had a problem convincing Eli to hike Rob’s. Soon after that Dave and the boys used Rob’s as a way to ski home from the Canyons Ski resort. Seriously, it was the craziest thing to drop them off, and then hours later see them skiing into the back yard. I loved it!
Top of Rob’s Trail, Park City, UtahRob’s Trail, Park City, Utah
Selfishly, I like to think of Rob’s as our own. We used that trail all year round.During times when Dave and I needed a walk-talk, there was nothing like Rob’s, its beautiful Aspen forest, and stunning mountain views, to clear the head. In the summer we hiked it as a family. I often hiked it with my lovely hiking ladies, Eileen, Christy, and Stacie. At other times I would drag my bestie, Beth (no not my inner self, but I totally wish…) up the mountain so we could deconstruct our world. I love that my friend MB hiked all the way up Rob’s in flip-flops. Probably my favorite was when I would be hiking and somewhere along the trail I would run into Dave, who was biking. We even took our friend Markus, our owl specialist, to look for Flammulated owls there. And yes, we found Flammulated Owls higher up, right off Rob’s trail.
Rob’s Trail, Park City, Utah with my most awesome friend, MBRunning into Dave on Rob’s Trail, Park City, Utah — he was on a mountain bike ride and I was hiking with my friend, MB!
Today I share Rob’s with you. I know I am not the first to share. Rob’s is popular, well-known, and well-loved. It is also our little piece of heaven!
Sledding Rob’s
Rob’s Trail is a hiking/Mountain Biking trail that feeds into the Mid-Mountain Trail. “Park City’s Mid Mountain Trail bisects the Wasatch Mountains at 8,000 feet—earning it the nickname the ‘Eight Thousand Foot Trail’—and cuts across Deer Valley Resort, through Park City Mountain Resort and The Canyons Resort.” Rob’s connects with the Mid Mountain trail on the backside of the Canyons Ski Resort. You head up Park City’s Bear Hollow Drive. When you hit the horseshoe bend (about 1.1 miles up), you will see a cul-de-sac with four houses. Ours was the sage green one on the right. Just a few feet past the cul-de-sac is the parking for Rob’s. You cannot miss it!
Rob’s is also a popular snowshoeing destination. In truth, after each snowfall, the early morning snowshoers packed it down enough that neither snowshoes nor Yak Trax are necessary until you get many miles up the trail or head off trail into the untracked backcountry. We would just throw our Sorels on and get walking. Sometimes, if you veered off the center of the trail, you’d end up sinking in to your knee or thigh (it’s deep up there), but you just dust yourself off and keep walking.
And of course the Trail Runners love Rob’s for its accessibly.
As Far as sledding goes. I hear there are spots that do not intersect into people’s yards. I also have friends who sled down Rob’s on cardboard during the summer.