Dave is home this morning and we are going to work on fixing my templates once and for all. I am guessing
A Weekend in Moab, Utah
We just got back from Moab. The sun was shining. The sky was blue and I learned a new vocabulary word. Woohoo!
Liars and Lies
Okay, I am trying to get re-motivated as far as blogging CrazyUs goes. It, (blogging, that is), has become just another everyday
Bottom Line: Money is all that Matters [wink] . . .
Oh and power, but aren’t they one and the same? I have been away because I think I hit the wall. After
Costco Gas Pump, Orrin Hatch and a Camera
A few days ago, Saturday, I believe, my friend Jen (mother to one of Kyle’s classmates, not to be confused with the
Happy New Year II — It all ended or began mouthing the words to a Pink Floyd song.
Posing with Senator, Orrin Hatch: What should have been [wink wink] I’ll start with where it ended: New Year’s Eve day began
Happy Seventh Anniversary, Dave!
Last week this copper tea kettle came in the mail for me. Dave and I had seen one just like it on
Real World / Blog World Challenge
Ok . . . humph . . . so most of the people I know in the human world have
Is that chocolate on your hands?
The other night Eli went downstairs to play in the toy room. About ninety seconds later he came back upstairs and walked
Pioneer Day 2004
My sister called me as Eli found the only mud puddle (might I add, thick mud) in the very dry super large
Happy Sixth Anniversary, Davy!
Yesterday I searched the internet for a list that would tell me what the customary gifts were to give on your sixth
Remembering Mike
I’ve known Dave for ten years. Almost exactly eight years ago is when the magic began. Dave and I had been hanging
This morning as I sat at tribal council I was sure that I was being voted off the island. “No, don’t write
Happy Birthday Kyle. We love you.
Last week while I was picking Kyle up from pre-school I asked his Vietnamese teacher, Miss Becky how he was doing. We
Back East
We flew to DC Wednesday night. Aside from Eli’s mid-flight, “Mommy, get off the plane now” panic attack, the flight went really
Happy Birthday Dave!
Happy Birthday Dave. You are the Best Daddy, Husband, Friend, Blanket Sharer, Entrepreneur Ever. We love you.